
Sustainable Development Journal

Through ethnographic research and literature review, this paper investigates how entrepreneurs cope with barriers and challenges to introducing sustainability-oriented innovation in the Polish market. Findings indicate the integration of the company’s values with external stakeholders as an essential challenge. Substantial efforts and a values-oriented communication strategy are required to convince investors in particular about the long-term benefits of sustainable solutions. 

Śliwińska, I., Beńko, P., Breuer, H., Ciesielska, M., Ivanov, K., Kasz, J., Matras-Postołek, K. (2025). The Challenge of Introducing Sustainability-Oriented Innovation. An Ethnographic Study. Sustainable Development, Wiley (

Ethnographic insights reveal tensions and gaps between espoused values of corporate sustainability and everyday practices with regard to: (1) innovation culture, (2) vertical and (3) horizontal integration, (4) external interfaces, (5) practices and methods and (6) personal alignment. These tensions and gaps must be addressed to turn sustainable innovation strategy into practice and to promote a sustainable innovation culture. 

Breuer, H. & Ivanov, K. (2024). Cultural Tensions and Values-Action Gaps in Sustainability-Oriented Innovation: An Ethnographic Inquiry. Int. Journal of Innovation Management, Vol. 28, No. 01n02 (2024) 2450005 (Author Copy).

Based on literature review and expert interviews the study identifies 21 barriers and 28 good practices for managing values in sustainability-oriented innovation. A conceptual model explains how to facilitate sustainability-oriented innovation.

Ivanov, K. (2024). Values-based barriers and good practices in sustainability-oriented innovation management. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management (

The article introduces the “Sustainable Business Model Design” (SBMD) framework and its application as a tool for problem-solving and idea generation. It sheds light on the creativity-enhancing efficacy of SBMD patterns, and helps business designers to utilize SBMD for innovation and ESG strategy.

Lüdeke-Freund, F., Massa, L. & Breuer, H. (2024), Sustainable Business Model Design, Journal of Business Models, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 115-132.

We introduce a structured framework for Key Value Indicators (KVIs) in ICT research and development. It comprises five steps, starting from the use case-related identification of values to the assessment of value outcomes. An analysis of ICT-enabled smart cities illustrates the application of the framework.

Wikström, G., Bledow, N., Matinmikko-Blue, M., Breuer, H., Costa, C., Darzanos, G., Gavras, A., Hossfeld, T., Mesogiti, I., Petersen, K., Porambage, P., Stoica, R., Wunderer, S. (2024). Key value indicators: A framework for values-driven next generation ICT solutions. Telecommunications Policy, Vol. 48, Issue 6, July 2024, 102778.

Gamification has developed into a methodology of its own to drive innovation and to foster values-based innovation cultures within organisations. We explore this new field through literature review and interviews with innovation managers. We synthesise knowledge, formulate management guidelines, and reveal the potential for the gamification of values-based innovation and organisational culture development.

Breuer, H., Ivanov, K., Abril, C. (2023). Management guidelines to address cultural challenges and facilitate values-based innovation through gamification. Int. J. Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, Vol. 27, Nos. 3/4, pp.208–236. (author copy).

Strategic foresight, sustainability management and innovation management, each have an important role to play in solving the grand challenges of our times. However, we are missing an integrated approach in theory and business practice. Based on a series of expert interviews and recent literature, we distinguish between exploratory, strategic and normative scenarios and take first steps towards an integrated sustainability foresight.

Breuer, H. (2023). Sustainability Foresight – Practices and Methods for Future-Oriented Innovation Management. Proceedings of ISPIM Innovation Conference 2023, Ljubljana (16 pages + slides).

Ever tried to find a clear path through an ever-growing complexity of technological ecosystems, multilateral stakeholder relations, and multidimensional value creation? Here is our approach to model sustainable business ecosystems for 5G and beyond 5G ecosystems. A wide range of authors and organisations from contributed.
Hallingby, H.-K., Bledow, N., Darzanos, G., Frizzell, R., Breuer, H., Gavras, A., Mesogiti, I., & Rokkas, T. (2023). 5G and Beyond 5G Ecosystem Business Modelling. White paper by the 6G Smart Networks and Services Industry Association.
Introducing our IJIM Special Issue on Managing Values for Innovation, this editorial article shows to what extent values are an inevitable moment of innovation-related activities. We illustrate their practicality to promote rather than handicap innovation and clarify their potential to change. The explanatory power of a values-based approach, its generative potential and its emancipatory impact motivate further research and development.
Breuer, H., Lüdeke-Freund, F. & Bessant, J. (2022). Managing Values for Innovation. Editorial paper to the IJIM Special Issue on Managing Values for Innovation, (2022) 2201001 (31 pages).

This book introduces an exciting, still nascent superpower: Using, repurposing and creating games that will help to solve the great societal and organisational challenges, games that actually drive innovation, engage stakeholders and facilitate experimentation. The book features 36 gamification design patterns and a rich collection of customizable games and materials for training and teaching.

Breuer, H., Bessant, J. & Gudiksen, S. (2022). Gamification for Innovator and Entrepreneurs. Using Games to Drive Innovation and Facilitate Learning. London: deGruyter

In this issue of ServiceToday, editor Michael Braun talks with Henning Breuer about the connection between value orientation and sustainable value creation, entrepreneurial innovations and the role of customer. Find out more how to translate an understanding of their values into multi-dimensional value creation.

Breuer, H. (2022). Values-based business models for sustainable value creation. [Wertebasierte Geschäftsmodelle zur nachhaltigen Wertschöpfung]. In: ServiceToday 4/22, pp. 44-46.

How can we ensure that new products and services are aligned with what different stakeholders value in the medium and long term? This short article for Service Today Magazine links values-based innovation management with sustainable business model design.
Breuer, H. (2022). Values-based innovation using design patterns for sustainable business model design. [Wertebasiert mit Gestaltungsmustern zur Geschäftsmodellinnovation]. In: ServiceToday 3/22, pp. 44-46.
Advanced values work is required to manage innovation and strategy. New methods help to mainstream efficient elicitation and elaboration of values and insights to drive innovation and facilitate strategic management. Rapid inquiry of stakeholder values engages respondents in interactive exercises and staged activities.
Breuer, H. (2022). Eliciting stakeholder values for strategic and values-based innovation management. In: The Proceedings of XXXIII ISPIM Conference: Copenhagen.
Gamification might help firms overcome inertia in open innovation implementation following an organizational change perspective. Based on a systematic literature review, this research shows how organizations can take advantage of the new opportunities in gamification to manage the challenges of implementing an open innovation process.
Gimenez-Fernandez, E., Abril, C., Breuer, H., Gudiksen, S. (2021). Gamification approaches for open innovation implementation: A conceptual framework. Creativity and Innovation Management, Vol. 30, Issue 3, Sept. 2021, pp. 455-474.
A values-based innovation approach creates resilience in the pursuit of ambitious visions and sustainable development goals. The paper introduces the European IMPACT project on building values-based innovation cultures and introduces a maturity model for values-based innovation. Results include a comprehensive overview of barriers, good practices, methods and cases based on an integrative literature analysis.
Breuer, H., Ivanov, K., Abril, C., Dijk, S., Monti, A., Rappaccini, M., & Kasz, J. (2021). Building Values-based Innovation Cultures for Sustainable Business Impact. Proceedings of ISPIM Innovation Conference 2021, Berlin, pp. 1-31.
Teaching letter to learn about the values-based view on innovation and its management, including various control questions, exercises, and illustrative cases. Practical applications are revealed through the description of methods such as ethnography, values-based business modeling, future scenario management or gamification to address cultural challenges.
Breuer, H. & Ivanov, K. (2021). Values-based Innovation Management. Innovationsmanagement in Unternehmen. Schriften der MBA Fernstudiengänge der Hochschule Kaiserslautern Nr. 69. Mainz: Ministry of Education, Science and Continuing Education.
We draw from a literature analysis, 59 expert interviews and game design experiences within the GAMIFY Erasmus+ project to specify 36 reusable design patterns. These primarily address reoccurring challenges of developing innovation culture and provide a resource for education and professional development. A game development blueprint helps students to create their own gamified formats.
Ivanov, K. & Breuer, H. (2021). Design Patterns to Teach and Learn About Gamification for Innovation. Proceedings of ISPIM Innovation, Berlin, pp. 1-22.
The manual of the lab of tomorrow project (implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development) provides all information needed to conduct an innovation process designed to turn sustainability-oriented business opportunities in developing countries into profitable businesses.
Brand, D., Breuer, H., Lüdeke-Freund, F., Ivanov, K. & Heinrich-Fernandes, M. (2020). lab of tomorrow manual for sustainable business co-creation. Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.
Gamification is one particularly well-suited approach to address culture-related challenges to innovation and to facilitate values-based innovation, but an overview of existing formats and proven methods, as well as design and implementation guidelines, are missing. We explore innovation challenges in European companies and present a state-of-the-art overview of the literature on gamification for innovation and its potentials and pitfalls for fostering innovation-supportive cultures and values-based innovation. Breuer, H. & Ivanov, K. (2020). Gamification to address cultural challenges and to facilitate values-based innovation. In: Proceedings of ISPIM Virtual Innovation Conference 2020. Another conference paper on intrapreneurship: Kruszelnicki, J. & Breuer, H. (2020). Challenges, lessons, and methods for developing values-based intrapreneurial culture. In: Proceedings of ISPIM Virtual Innovation Conference 2020.
A values-based approach to strategic stakeholder management ensures that the course of strategic decisions is not only determined by short-lived attitudes, interests and the best deal negotiators may get, but that it is driven by long-term objectives of diverse participants. Differentiating three forms of stakeholder management (defensive, integrative, overarching), we show how to clarify and develop stakeholder values and exemplifies how to adapt methods of stakeholder analysis and management. Breuer, H. & Lüdeke-Freund, F. (2019). Values-Based Stakeholder Management – Concepts and Methods. In: Wunder, T. (Ed.): Rethinking Strategic Management. Competing Through a Sustainability Mindset. Berlin: Springer.
The Knowledge Alliance project named GAMIFY applies a design pattern approach to collect, consolidate and advance existing knowledge and organisational capabilities in games and gamification to support innovation and entrepreneurship. This paper lines out the scope and research design for the project, and exemplifies the design pattern approach with four gamified facilitation formats. Breuer, H., Gudiksen, S., Abril, C. & Lehmann, C. (2019). Gamification and Games as Facilitation Methods for Innovation and Entrepreneurship. In Bitran, I., Conn, S. et al. Proceedings of XXX ISPIM Innovation Conference 2019 in Florence.
Synthezising findings from theory and available tools, we define guiding principles (sustainability-orientation, extended value creation, systemic thinking and stakeholder integration) and process-related criteria (reframing business model components, context-sensitive, collaborative modelling, managing impacts and outcomes) for developing sustainability-oriented business models. Breuer, H., Fichter, K., Lüdeke-Freund, F., Tiemann, I. (2018). Sustainability-Oriented Business Model Development: Principles, Criteria and Tools. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing. Special Issue “Creating Solutions with Sustainable Entrepreneurship”, 10(2):256-286 · June 2018.
Following the notion of patterns as problem-solution combinations, we developed, tested, and applied a new multi-method approach centred on an expert review process that combines literature review, Delphi survey, and physical card sorting to identify and validate the currently existing SBM patterns. Ten international experts classified 45 sustainable business model patterns, and assigned these patterns to 11 groups. Read this paper in brief. Lüdeke-Freund, F., Carroux, S., Joyce, A., Massa, L., Breuer, H. (2018). The Sustainable Business Model Pattern Taxonomy – 45 Patterns to Support Sustainability-Oriented Business Model Innovation. Sustainable Production and Consumption, vol. 15, pp. 145-162. (
Lüdeke-Freund, F.; Carroux, S.; Joyce, A.; Massa, L. & Breuer, H. (2018): Developing a Sustainable Business Model Pattern Language, Academy of Management Proceedings Vol. 2018, No. 1. Lüdeke-Freund, F.; Carroux, S.; Joyce, A.; Massa, L. & Breuer, H. (2018): Developing a Sustainable Business Model Pattern Language – 45 Patterns to Support Sustainability-Oriented Business Model Innovation, GRONEN Research Conference 2018, Almeria, Spain.
In collaboration with the Lab of Tomorrow (LoT) by GIZ we show how values-base innovation management is used to facilitate business model innovation that contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals. We provide a classification scheme for business model innovation in development cooperation which includes dimensions such as type of innovation, business model readiness, scaling potential and business model patterns, and review leassons learned from the LoT. Breuer, H. & Lüdeke-Freund, F. & Brick, C. (2018). Business Model Innovation in the Era of Sustainable Development Goals. In: The Proceedings of XXIX ISPIM Conference, Stockholm, pp. 1-27.

This book provides state-of-the-art insights on sustainable value creation. Our chapter introduces the Business Innovation Kit to model values-based business. We discuss how to work with values in the context of business development, and show different application fields for opportunitiy seeking organizations. We distinguish between five maturity levels and eight business case drivers for sustainability-oriented innovation.

Breuer, H. & Lüdeke-Freund, F. (2018). Values-Based Business Model Innovation: A Toolkit. In: Moratis, L., Melissen, F. & Idowu, S.O. (Eds.). Sustainable Business Models, pp. 395-416. Springer.

Tools are not neutral means for unaffected purposes. When designing the new, they prompt whether fundamental ideas and assumptions are reflected from the outset, or whether they remain hidden, so that innovation projects cannot exploit their potential. How can tools not only support creativity, but also reflexivity and help to provide orientation? Breuer, H. (2018). Werkzeuge der Kreativität, Reflexivität und Orientierung im Innovationsprozess. In: Daimler und Benz Stiftung (Ed.). Tools revisited – Rationalität und Kreativität durch Management-Tools? 16. Innovationsforum der Daimler und Benz Stiftung, Berlin, pp. 12-19.
Two articles in the German compendium on CSR and business modelscover the values-based business modelling tools and techniques, and analyse the Indian company Aravind Eyecare as an outstanding case of values-based innovation. Breuer, H. & Lüdeke-Freund, F. (2017). Wertebasierte Geschäftsmodellierung – Ein Werkzeugkasten für nachhaltigkeitsorientierte Gründer und Innovatoren, pp. 409-431 Gerkens, I., Lüdeke-Freund, F. & Breuer, H. (2017). Wertebasierte Geschäftsmodellinnovation am Beispiel Aravind Eye Care Systems, pp. 183-204. In: Bungard, P. & René Schmidpeter, R. (Hrsg.). CSR und Geschäftsmodelle. Berlin: Springer.
The case of the Tata Nano allows elaborating upon potentials and risks of values-based innovation through a longitudinal analysis of three stages of the innovation process. Lessons learned emphasize the need to actively manage stakeholder values and to make every business model component fit to the other, to the market and to the purpose of the whole endeavour.
Breuer, H. & Upadrasta, V. (2017). Values-Based Product Innovation – The Case of Tata Nano. In: In Proceedings XXVIII ISPIM Conference, Vienna, pp. 1-18.
This new line of research consolidates knowledge about business model patterns that have the potential to support solutions to ecological and social problems, such as greener products, new mobility systems, or social enterprises. This resulting pattern taxonomy can be used to support sustainable business model innovation and sustainability innovation.
Lüdeke-Freund, F., Carroux, S., Joyce, A., Massa, L. & Breuer, H. (2017). A Sustainable Business Model Pattern Language. 45 Patterns to Support Sustainability-Oriented Business Model Innovation. 2nd New Business Models Conference, Graz, Austria.
Innovation management falls short in solving urgent societal problems, if it neglects the power of networks and the values of their constituent actors. We present a theoretical framework and facilitation methods for values-based network and business model innovation. Both have been applied in an exemplary workshop on regional energy networks in Germany. Breuer, H. & Lüdeke-Freund, F. (2017). Values-Based Network and Business Model Innovation. International Journal of Innovation Management, Vol. 21, No. 3, Art. 1750028 (35 pages).
The values-based view on innovation applies values as a source, lever, and orientation mark for innovation activities. Notions of the desirable are taken from the periphery to the core of organisational value creation and renewal. Cases of Aravind Eye Care System and the retail company Otto Group illustrate and advance the discussion and show implications.
Breuer, H. & Lüdeke-Freund, F. (2015). Values-Based Innovation Framework – Innovating by What We Care About. In: Proceedings of XXVI ISPIM Innovation Conference. Shaping the Frontiers of Innovation Management. Budapest, Hungary.
Value innovation builds on the introduction of new normative orientations into an existing business ecosystem. New kinds of networks collaborate to pursure shared values. Business model innovation can be applied beyond single firms, i.e. on the value network level, to find systemic solutions to “wicked” problems.
Breuer, H. & Lüdeke-Freund, F. (2014). Normative Innovation for Sustainable Business Models in Value Networks. in: Huizingh, K.; Conn, S.; Torkkeli, M. & Bitran, I. (Eds.): The Proceedings of XXV ISPIM Innovation Conference – Innovation for Sustainable Economy and Society. Dublin, Ireland. Download the Conference Paper on Normative Innovation and the Presentation at ISPIM 2014.
Corporate venturing is a real adventure: High-risk loving crews leave their comfort zone and enter an open-ended journey, exploring and exploiting potentials for uncharted business. Very few survive as not only adverse winds and unforeseen icebergs abound, but also intellectual property pirates and copycat carriers populate even blue oceans … Providing coaching we accompanied ten of these real world pioneers mastering their challenges.
Breuer, H. (2013). Lean Venturing. Learning to Create New Business through Exploration, Elaboration, Evaluation, Experimentation and Evolution. International Journal of Innovation Management. Vol. 17, No. 5 (June 2013, 22 pages). Imperial College Press.
Value innovation that creatively combines ethnographic methods with strategic industry analysis. By focusing on unmet and emerging needs ethnographic research identifies learner values, needs and challenges but does not determine solutions. Blue-ocean strategy tools can identify new opportunities that alter existing offerings but give weak guidance on what will be most relevant to users.
Breuer, H., Schwarz, H., Feller, K. & Matsumoto, M. (2014). Value Innovation in Learner-Centered Design. How to Develop Relevant Digital Learning Tools. IAFOR Journal of Education, Vol.2, Issue 1, pp. 16-39. Japan.
Radical innovation may root its basic ideas in user values of unforeseen futures. The chapter describes and reinterprets the concept of user-centered radical innovation and how it is applied within the open innovation approach of Telekom Innovation Laboratories—the corporate research and innovation centre of Deutsche Telekom.
Steinhoff, F. & Breuer, H. (2013). User-centered radical innovation at Telekom Innovation Laboratories – tools & methods to generate new propositions for mobile payment. In: Pfeffermann, N., Minshall, N. & Mortara, L. (Eds.) Strategy and Communication for Innovation (2nd edition). Springer.
Focused user-centered soft innovation (FUSION) combines user-centered innovation with radical steps beyond the funnel in order to sustainably enrich established business with minimal effort. Stepping back into the past, ahead into potential futures, and integrating radical perspectives provide shortcuts for insight. A project case dealing with the optimization of entertainment offerings demonstrates the application of the framework.
Breuer, H., Wolze, Z. & Umbach, L. (2013). User-Centered Soft Innovation in Established Business Fields. In: A. Marcus (Ed.): DUXU/HCII 2013, Part IV, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 8015, pp. 3-12. Springer, Heidelberg.
Insights on student learning (behavior, needs and wants, challenges and obstacles) show how to support and how to set directions for the development of innovative tools and services. Advanced corporate venturing tools and methods invent, instantiate and prove new business opportunities. Research-based learning is required not only on behalf of students but on behalf of entrepreneurs in the higher education market as well.
Breuer, H. & Erkel, G. ( 2013). How to Drive Innovation in the Higher Education Market / Aus der Fülle des Alltags zur schlanken Innovation: Wie man lernend Innovation auf dem Bildungsmarkt gestaltet. In: Keuper, F., Hamidian, K., Verwaayen, E., Kalinowski, T., Kraijo, C. (Hrsg.) Digitalisierung und Innovation, 395-413. Steinbeis Center of Strategic Management.
Imagination and communication are critical factors for innovation but also potential bottlenecks. Insufficient information and persistence in mindsets regarding future developments can lead to fundamental threats. Still, innovation communication and scenario planning facilitate future-attentive thinking.

Pfeffermann, N. & Breuer, H. (2013). Scenario-based Learning: Enabler for Future-attentive Thinking and Effective Communication for Innovation. Chapter 5, in: Brem, A. & Viardot, E. (Ed.). Evolution of Innovation Management. Trends in an International Context. pp. 95-115. Palgrave Macmillan.

Service design claims to build a better future through exceptional services that improve people’s lives. Ironically though, most of the currently employed user research methods deliver only insights valid for the past – or the present, at best. Visit the user world of the future to understand their needs and desires.  
Leihener, J. & Breuer, H. (2013). A Time Machine for Service Design. In: Cultural Change by Service Design, Touchpoint Vol.4, No.3. published by Service Design Network.  
Breuer, H., Wogatzky, M., Sauermann, J. & Steinhoff, F. (2013). Gemeinsam die Welt von Morgen Gestalten – Das Innovationsforum der Telekom Innovation Laboratories. In: Marktforschung in der digitalisierten Welt. Jahrbuch 2012, pp. 55-62. Identification, access to and recruitment of qualified participants are critical resources for open innovation. The unique potential of a demand-oriented local innovation panel includes flexible recruitment for diverse purposes across all phases of innovation, highly targeted sampling and setup of sub-panels for live events and online studies, high quality of contributions, comparative benchmark and operational efficiency..

Peer reviewed conference and journal papers

Lean Venturing
Corporate venturing is a real adventure that teams may only master gradually through research and learning. Proceeding through iterative specification and validation of business models, a five EEEEE framework is organized by learning goals on five levels of maturity, and backed up with scaffolding tools and methods. It shows how to explore, elaborate upon, evaluate, experiment with and evolve assumptions. Corporate venturing is a real adventure that teams may only master gradually through research and learning. Proceeding through iterative specification and validation of business models, a five EEEEE framework is organized by learning goals on five levels of maturity, and backed up with scaffolding tools and methods. It shows how to explore, elaborate upon, evaluate, experiment with and evolve assumptions.
Breuer, H. & Mahdjour, S. (2012). Lean Venturing: Entrepreneurial Learning to Model and Grow New Business. 5th ISPIM Innovation Symposium – Stimulating Innovation: Challenges for Management, Science & Technology. Seoul, Korea. Best paper award of Nokia-Siemens Network at ISPIM symposium 2012.
  • Download the paper and the presentation.
Value Innovation
Value innovation that creatively combines ethnographic methods with strategic industry analysis. By focusing on unmet and emerging needs ethnographic research identifies learner values, needs and challenges but does not determine solutions. Blue-ocean strategy tools can identify new opportunities that alter existing offerings but give weak guidance on what will be most relevant to users.
Breuer, H., Schwarz, H., Feller, K. & Matsumoto, M. (2012). Value Innovation in Learner-Centered Design. How to Develop Relevant Digital Learning Tools. ACE Asian Conference on Education Proceedings, pp. 1283-1294. Osaka, Japan.
Modelling Business for Radical Innovations
A single case study on the attempts to bring a new interaction paradigm to the market reveals guidelines for modelling new business for radical innovation.
Mahdjour, S., Breuer, H. & Ketabdar, H. (2012). Business Model Development for Radical Mobile Innovation – A Case Study. 5th ISPIM Innovation Symposium – Stimulating Innovation: Challenges for Management, Science & Technology. Seoul, Korea.
  • Download the paper and the presentation.
Learning from the Future
The ability to deal with and learn in the face of uncertainty is a key capability of organizations in dynamic environments. Scenarios based on normativity, performativity and transparency foster organisational learning, allow preparing for alternative developments and working out preferred options.
Breuer, H., Schulz, J. & Leihener, J. (2012). Learning from the Future – Modeling Scenarios Based on Normativity, Performativity and Transparency, Proceedings of XXIII ISPIM Conference Barcelona. International Society of Professional Innovation Management. Spain.
User-Driven Business Modeling
An informed and systematic variation and extension of fundamental business aspects such as value proposition, user experience and partnering not only helps to focus new business, attract investors, and bring new products to the market, but also feeds back on the original concepts and design.
Breuer, H. & Ketabdar, H. (2012). User-Driven Business Model Innovation – New Formats and Methods in Business Modeling and Interaction Design, and the Case of Magitact. In Kommers, P. and Isaías, P. (Eds.). Proceedings of IADIS International Conference on E-Society 2012, pp. 211-218. Berlin.
Mobile Learning Environments
A grounded innovation approach was applied involving a futures workshop for interaction design and ideation based on ethnographic insights in the field of mobile learning. Current obstacles and utopian futures of mobiles learning lay the grounds for envisioning new systems to support mobile learning for public transport. A system to enhance comfort zones for mobile learners applies gesture-based handling of tablet computers in order create an adaptable and comfortable personal learning environment with individually adaptable and familiar modules. An iDesk prototype preserving a personal comfort zone for mobile learners is presented.
Breuer, H., Dierichs, T., Elsholz, S. (2012). A comfort zone for mobile learning – a grounded innovation approach. In Sanchez, I.A. & Isaias, P. (Eds.). Proceedings of IADIS International Conference on Mobile Learning 2012, pp. 75-82. Berlin, Germany.

Innovation Forum Berlin
The Berlin Innovationforum is a living laboratory of advanced customer integration.

Breuer, H., Wogatzky, M., Sauermann, J. & Steinhoff, F. (2012/2013). Gemeinsam die Welt von Morgen Gestalten – Das Innovationsforum der Telekom Innovation Laboratories. In: H. Müller-Peters (Hrsg.) Marktforschung in der digitalisierten Welt, Das Jahrbuch 2012, pp. 55-62. Online: Dossier on the Innovation Panel and Interview on the Market Research Best Practise Award.”


As science fiction illustrate to imagine a new technology is to imagine a new way of life. Prospective collective imagination is a necessary moment of development and may anticipate innovation and developmental results by creating mental models for ongoing activites and measures for their evaluation.
Breuer, H. (2002). Interfacegestaltung und Imagination: Kultivation von Unternehmensidentitäten in digitalen Medien. (Interface Design and Imagination: Cultivation of Corporate Identity in Digital Media.) Berlin: Waxmann.
An analysis of imaginary models and styles of innovation within the development of new information and communication technologies for elderly people based on interviews with innovation professionals. Open, interactive, and customer-centric development, and future projections of the realisable and desirable models of technologies and aging form a guideline for innovation.
In the early 1990ies a new youth culture named techno found its original home in Berlin. A series of interviews, observations and theoretical reflections mingles into this phenomenological work. It provides the first discoursive account of the early Techno / Tekkno movement (available upon request, in German only).
Breuer, H. (1994). Techno, Tekkno, Textasy. Digitale Technologien und Jugendkultur. Köln: Spex.

Conference and Journal Papers

Breuer, H., Grabowski, H. & Arnold, H. (2011). The shape of things to come: Scenarios and visual stories for telecommunication in 2020. In: Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on Telecommunications, Networks, and Systems 2011(ISBN: 978-972-8939-39-7), pp.107-114. Rome, Italy.
Breuer, H. & Gebauer, A. (2011). Mindfulness for Innovation. Future Scenarios and High Reliability Organizing Preparing for Unforseeable. SKM Conference for Competence-based Strategic Management, pp. 1-18. Linz, Austria.
Breuer, H., Wogatzky, M., & Steinhoff, F. (2011). On the unique potential of local innovation panels. Proceedings of the 18th International Product Development Management Conference – Innovate Through Design, pp. 1-20. Delft, Netherlands.
Breuer, H. & Matsumoto, M. (2011). Ubiquitous Learning Environments: Notions of Context, Application Scenarios and Reflective Stories. In T. Bastiaens & M. Ebner (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2011 (pp. 2366-2374). Chesapeake, VA: AACE. Online:
Breuer, H., & Matsumoto, M. (2010). Scenarios for Mobile Learning across Contexts. ACE Asian Conference on Education Proceedings (ISSN 2185-6133), pp.1935-1945. Osaka, Japan.
Breuer, H., & Steinhoff, F. (2010). Grounded Innovation – A Research Approach for the Fuzzy Front End of Innovation Management. Proceedings of BAI International Conference on Business and Innovation, Vol. 7 (ISSN 1729-9322). Kitakyushu, Japan.
Breuer, H., Steinhoff, F., & Wogatzky, M. (2009). The user clinic approach and its contribution to the innovation profitability analysis. Proceedings of the 2nd ISPIM Innovation Symposium. International Society of Professional Innovation Management, New York.
Breuer, H., Hewing, M., & Steinhoff, F. (2009). Divergent innovation: Fostering and managing the fuzzy front end of innovation. PICMET 2009 Conference Technology Management in the Age of Fundamental Change CD-Rom, Portland, USA. Also available from
Breuer, H. (2009). Ubiquitous society: Cultural factors driving mobile innovations and adoption in Japan. In N. Aykin (Ed.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Vol. 5623. Internationalization, Design, and Global Development (pp. 328–336.). Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag.
Breuer, H., Kettner, M., Wagler, M., Preuschen, N., & Steinhoff, F. (2009). Love at first encounter: Start-up of new applications. In J. A. Jacko (Ed.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Human-Computer Interaction (Part III), 5612, pp. 585–594. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag.
Steinhoff, F., & Breuer, H. (2009). Customer-centric open R&D and innovation in the telecommunication industry. Proceedings of the 16th International Product Development Management Conference on Managing Dualities in the Innovation Journey, Twente, Netherlands.
Breuer, H. (2009). Ubiquitous Society Japan: Netzwerkeffekte und Unterschiede auf dem Weg von der mobilen zur ubiquitären Gesellschaft. In J. Sieck & M. A. Herzog (Eds.), Wireless Communication and Information (WCI) (pp. 2-22), Berlin, Germany.
Breuer, H., & Matsumoto, M. (2008). Mobile learning across expanding contexts. Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), Santander, Spain, pp. 623-625.
Breuer, H., & Matsumoto, M. (2008). Mobile learning about design patterns in contexts of matter. In J. Luca & E. Weippl (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2008 (pp. 1512-1521). Chesapeake, VA: AACE. Online:

Breuer, H., Zurita, G., Baloian, N., & Matsumoto, M. (2008). Mobile learning with patterns. Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), Santander, Spain, pp. 626-630.

Baloian, N., Breuer, H., Luther, W., & (2008). Concept keyboards in the animation of standard algorithms. Journal for Visual Languages and Computing, 19, 652-674.

Breuer, H., Baloian, N., & Konow, R. (2007). Integración Móvil de Aprendizaje Formal e Informal. / Mobile integration of formal and informal learning activities. CEDI Interacciónes Conferencia, Zaragoza, Espagna.
Breuer, H., Baloian, N., Matsumoto, M., & Sousa, C. (2007). Interaction Design Patterns for Classroom Environments. In Jacko, J. (Ed.): Human-Computer Interaction, Part IV, Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Vol: 4553. HCI International Conference in Beijing, China (pp. 163-172). New York: Springer.
Breuer, H., Sousa, C., Baloian, N., & Matsumoto, M. (2007). A lightweight open space for the classroom: Collaborative learning with whiteboards and pen-tablets. Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), Niigata, Japan, pp. 66-71.
Breuer, H., Konow, R., Baloian, N., & Zurita, G. (2007). Mobile computing to seamlessly integrate formal and informal learning. Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), Niigata, Japan, pp. 589-592.
Baloian, N., Buschmann, S., Breuer, H., & Matsumoto, M. (2006). Implementing authentic activities 4th IEEE International Workshop on Technology for Education in Developing Countries (TEDC’06), pp. 46-50.
Baloian, N., Breuer, H., & Matsumoto, M. (2006). Implementing authentic activities for supporting learning through remote monitoring of earthquakes. In E. Pearson & P. Bohman (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2006 (pp. 2250-2257). Chesapeake, VA: AACE. (Online:
Breuer, H., Baloian, N., Breuer, M., & Husslein, S. (2005). Lernerzentrierte Gestaltung interaktiver Tafeln und armlanger Interfaces am Interaction Design Lab. (Learner-centered design of interactive whiteboards and arm-length interfaces). In C. Lattemann & T. Köhler (Eds.). Multimediale Technologien: Multimedia in E-Business und Bildung (S. 267-277). Frankfurt: Verlag Peter Lang.
Breuer, H., & Baloian, N. (2005). Augmenting Whiteboard Interaction in the Classroom. In P. Kommers & G. Richards (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2005 (pp. 1214-1221). Chesapeake, VA: AACE. (Online:

Baloian, N., Breuer, H., Luther, W., & Middleton, C. (2005). Algorithm visualization using concept keyboards. Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Software Visualization (SoftVis), St. Louis, Missouri, USA, pp. 7-16.

Baloian, N., Breuer, H., Hoeksema, K., Hoppe, U., & Milrad, M. (2004). Implementing the Challenge Based Learning in Classroom Scenarios. In S. Sotiriou (Ed.), Proceedings of the Symposium on Advanced Technologies in Education. Argostoli, Greece: Collide Publications
Baloian, N., Breuer, H., Luther, W., Middleton, C., & Pilz, T. (2004). Konzept-Tastaturen zur Algorithmenanimation. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of the German Informatics Society Ulm (GI Workshop zum Thema elektronische Unterstützung der Präsenzlehre), Germany. Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI P-51), pp. 399-403. Berlin: Springer Press.
Baloian, N., Breuer, H., Hoppe, H. U., & Pino, J. A. (2004). Collaborative learning in distributed seismography. ICLS Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of the Learning Sciences. Embracing Diversity in the Learning Sciences (p. 584). Santa Monica, CA, USA.
Breuer, H. (2003). Website usability or the www as practice. Proceedings of the First Latin American Web Congress of the IEEE Computer Society, Santiago, Chile, 235-236. ISBN: 0-7695-2058-8

Grüter, B. M., Breuer, H., & Wollenberg, A. (2000). Wissensarbeit: Über die Dynamik von Wissensentwicklung in aufgabenorientierten Gruppen. In E. H. Witte (Hrsg.), Leistungsverbesserungen in aufgabenorientierten Kleingruppen (S. 150-180). Berlin: Pabst Science Publishers.

Breuer, H. (1999). Interfacing Imagination. In H.-J. Bullinger & P. H. Vossen. (Eds.), Adjunct Conference Proceedings Conference Proceedings of HCI International 8th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction jointly with 15th Symposium on Human Interface (pp. 75-76). Stuttgart, Germany: Fraunhofer IRB Verlag.

Further publications 1995 – 2013

Breuer, H., Tonhauser, P., Lütkemöller, K., Müller, S. (2012). Business Modeling Starter Kit. A hands-on toolkit for entrepreneurial teams – user’s manual. Internal Publication by User-Driven Innovation and Entrepreneurs Team of Telekom Innovation Laboratories, Berlin
Wogatzky, M.; Sauermann, J.; Breuer, H.; Steinhoff, F. (2012): Turning fiction into the road ahead – the Local Innovation Panel of Deutsche Telekom. Proceedings of General Online Research Conference, Mannheim/Germany. German Society for Online Research e.V. (DGOF).
Breuer, H. (2006-2012). Technology Radar of Deutsche Telekom Laboratories. (Über 30 Trendprofile zu Forschungsstand und Technologieentwicklung in Japan, Themenschwerpunkt z.B. Spiele, Communities, Interaktionstechnologien, Mensch-Roboter Interaktion, Telekommunikation). Berlin, Germany.
Steinhoff, F., & Breuer, H. (2011). User-centered radical innovation at Deutsche Telekom Laboratories. In M. Hülsmann & N. Pfeffermann (Eds.), Strategies and communications for innovations: An integrated mangagement view for companies and networks (pp. 363-378). Berlin, Germany: Springer.
Breuer, H., Steinhoff, F., & Wogatzky, M. (2010). User Clinic Formate und ihr Beitrag zur Innovationserfolgsrechnung. (User clinic formats and their contribution to innovation profit and loss account). In W. Schmeisser (Ed.), Technologiemanagement und Innovationserfolgsrechnung (pp. 1-24). München: Oldenburg Wissenschaftsverlag.
Becker, F., Breuer, H., & Wogatzky, M. (2010). Online clinics as a format of user research in innovation management. In M. Welker, H. Geissler, l. Kaczmirek & O. Wenzel (Eds.), Proceedings of the 12th General Online Research Conference (p. 32). Pforzheim, Germany: German Society for Online Research e.V. (DGOF).
Breuer, H., & Takanishi, A. (2009). Robotic human science and humanoid robot development in Japan. Technology Radar Feature Paper, Edition II/2009, pp. 1-10. Deutsche Telekom Laboratories, Berlin, Germany.
Breuer, H., Heidmann, F., Wnuk, M., Raape, U., & Matsumoto, M. (2009). Interaction design for situation awareness: Eyetracking and heuristics for control centers. 7th Image Museum Workshop of the Institute of Image Electronics Engineers of Japan (IIEEJ /, pp. 17-22, Kyoto.
Breuer, H., Baloian, N., & Matsumoto, M. (2008). A mobile pattern discourse system. IEICE Technical Report, 107 (446), pp. 7-12.
Breuer, H., & Matsumoto, M. (2007). Mobile systems for contextual learning. IEICE Technical Report, 107, (391), Educational Technologies 2007-58, pp. 19-24.
Breuer, H., & Dauerer, V. (2007). Easier learning: Interaction design patterns for classrooms. Interview in PingMag – The Tokyo-based magazine about “Design and Making Things” (available for download in Japanese and English, also online
Breuer, H., & Matsumoto, M. (2007). Interaction design patterns for learning environments: Basic concepts and a prototype. IEICE Technical Report, 106 (496), MVE2006-72, pp. 7-12.
Breuer, H., Baloian, N., Sousa, C., & Matsumoto, M. (2007). An open space for the classroom: Open source software to support face-to-face education. IEICE Technical Report, 106 (507), ET2006-89, pp. 37-42.
Breuer, H., & Vatovec, B. (2005, CD-Rom). Usability: Von der Produktoptimierung zur Prozessgestaltung. Posterbeitrag zur 2. Multimedia Konferenz der Universität Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany.
Breuer, H. (2001). Kultivation und Imagination in den Neuen Medien (Doctoral dissertation)
Grüter, B. M., & Breuer, H. (1999). Zur Modellierung von Entwicklung und Kultur durch Design, Informatik und Psychologie. Mediale Formen des Denkens und Handelns und Navigationsstrukturen der Zukunft. Bewerbung um den Kulturwissenschaftlichen Förderpreis des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen.
Breuer, H. (1997). Perspektiven der Verkehrstelematik bis zum Jahre 2005. Hausinterner Forschungsbericht, Schriftenreihe der DaimlerChrylser Forschung – Abteilung Technik und Gesellschaft. Berlin, Germany.
Floeting, H., Schulz, B., Breuer, H., & Schwarz, C. (1997). Telematik Transfer: Technologie- und Wissenstransfer im Informationssektor – Berlin und London im Vergleich (Technology and Knowledge Transfer in the Information Industry). Berlin, Germany: Institut für Zukunftsstudien und Technologiebewertung, in cooperation with German Institut for Urbanistic.
Breuer, H. (1996). Technische Innovation und Altern (Unveröffentlichte Diplomarbeit). Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
Breuer, H. (1995). Alte Menschen, neue Technologien. Zukünfte, 13, pp. 24-26.
A book not about, but for sustainability. 45 patterns for the design of sustainable business models, and how innovative companies and visionary entrepreneurs implement them.
Lüdeke-Freund, F., Breuer, H., Massa, L. (2022). Sustainable Business Model Design – 45 Patterns. Berlin: Self-Published.

This book introduces an exciting, still nascent superpower: Using, repurposing and creating games that drive innovation, engage stakeholders and facilitate experimentation. It features 36 gamification design patterns and a rich collection of customizable games and materials.

Breuer, H., Bessant, J. & Gudiksen, S. (2022). Gamification for Innovator and Entrepreneurs. Using Games to Drive Innovation and Facilitate Learning. London: deGruyter
“At last a textbook that understands how real business works” (Edward Freeman). About notions of the desirable as a source, lever, and orientation mark for managing innovation.

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